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Sinoma-EC has passed three authentifications smoothly

PublishDate:2009-03-20 Source:

Recently, Sinoma-EC has been approved three systems of certification (quality, environment, health and safety management system) verified by China Quality Mark Certification Group(CQM), and obtained the certification of ISO9001:2000, ISO14001:2004 and GB/T28001-2001.

Implementing three management systems is the significant measure which in order to strengthen the managements of quality, environment and occupational health and safety, and improve the whole management level of Sinoma-EC. Our company has established the management policy that is “customer satisfaction, pursuing excellence, striving for high quality; safety health, optimizing the environment, continual improvement. Under the conduct of CQM, we has fully carried out the implementing standards in April 2008. We has established “three authentifications” leading team on implementing standards which leaded by the representative of managers and guided by the department of work safety supervision provided business training for internal auditors of every department, and implemented internal audit, management review successively according to requirements of the documents.

The implementation standards is going smoothly under the highly attention of the leader and the active cooperation of every department. CQM strictly examined and verified the design, technology service and site of EPC in two phases. CQM has approved the system running is valid and meeting the requirements of laws and standards and has granted the certifications of three management authentification systems in 10th Nov. 2008.

The smooth approving of “three authentifications” will further improve the whole management level of the company and will surely play an important role in promoting the enterprise’s image and intensifying market competition.

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