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Sinoma-EC Attended International Pure Low Temperature Waste Heat Power Generation Summit

PublishDate:2009-04-02 Source:

On Mar. 27th, 2009, the annual Pure Low Temperature Waste Heat Power Generation Summit was held in Shanghai, on the basis of the existing energy saving and emission reduction technology and applications in cement industry, mainly on the theme of diversification, maturation and internalization. This year’s summit was highly focused by different fields with the guests and enterprise delegates up to 500, including Turkish CIMSA, Denmark Smith, Cemex and the like many famous cement enterprises of different countries assigned their delegation to attend the summit and the spot atmosphere was very active.

As the main sponsor, Mr. He Xinping, General Manager of Sinoma-EC, Mr. Dong Lanqi, Vice Chief Engineer of Sinoma-EC, Mr. Wang Yi, Director of Marketing Department of Sinoma-EC, attended this summit. Mr. He Xinping, General Manager of Sinoma-EC, made the opening statement responding to the invitation of China Cement.

Mr. Lu Guixin, Head of the Building Material Division of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xu Yongmo, Vice director of China Building Material Association, Ms Zeng Xuemin, Vice-director of China Cement Association, Mr. Gao Changming, Senior Advisor of China Cement and Mr. Zhuge Peizhi, Head of Shanghai Cement Association and the like experts and leaders of different fields attended this summit and made statement.

Different from the previous summit, this time the summit not only explored on the applications of waste heat power generation technology in the cement industry, but also invited WHG experts at home and abroad discussing the successful application experiences and outlook of waste heat power generation technology in cement, glass, ceramics and steel industries.

Mr. Dong Lanqi, Vice Chief Engineer of Sinoma-EC, as the expert invited, systematically introduced the development course and status quo of the waste heat power generation technology of Sinoma-EC, and mainly focused on the explanations of the problems and solutions for the engineering design, building and operation of the WHG station. His lecture was highly confirmed and applauded by the other experts, leaders, and enterprises of different fields. Just as what Mr. He Xinping, General Manager of Sinoma-EC, once said in his statement: we sincerely expected that energy saving and emission reduction was taken by each cement enterprise and technical research & development and service company as the critical opportunity for the innovation and development., grasping every possibility to develop low temperature waste heat power generation technology and continuously increase the level of waste heat power generation technology, to pay the way for the healthy and sustainable development of Chinese industry and the world energy saving and emission reduction goal.

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