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Sinoma-EC Attend in “Waste Heat Generation Technology Lecture” Hosted by Cement Association of Thailand

PublishDate:2009-06-29 Source:

The Cement Association of Thailand promoted the “Waste Heat Generation Technology Lecture” in Bangkok on March 13th, 2009. Being invited as the only lecturer, the Minister of Post-manufacturing Service division Wang Xiaojian, Market Manager Li Hao and Assistant of Market Manager Ji Lei presented the conference on behalf of Sinoma-EC.

This conference is hosted by Cement Association of Thailand, and assisted by SCG, SCCC, TPI, Asian Cement and other well known cement enterprises. During the conference, technicists, principals, and other representatives presented into the lecture of “Introduction & Analysis of Pure Low Temperature Waste Heat Generating Technology in Cement Production Line” by Manager Li Hao and “Operation & Maintainace of Waste Heat Generating Technology in Cement Production Line”, followed by actively discussion and Question & Answer about detailed technology problems and issues in system operation.

During the conference, representatives of Sinoma-EC answered many questions especially in operation and maintainace in waste heat generating system carefully, which brought more and deeper understanding to the cement enterprises in Thailand about the principles, system operation, and etc. to waste heat generation system. The confidence built up in this conference in constructing pure low temperature waste heat generation in Thailand cement industry showed an excellent image of Sinoma-EC as a leading company in the field.

Sinoma-EC has 3 waste heat generation projects in process now: two 10 tons cement lines of SIAM CITY and the second line of Siam Cement. The waste heat generation project of the first line of Siam Cement completed in June 16th, 2008, won highly appreciate of the owner, which showed the advanced technology and project management ability of Sinoma-EC.

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