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SINOMA Energy Conservation Company was awarded of ‘The Most Competitive Company’ by BeiChen District Committee and Government

PublishDate:2010-01-27 Source:

On 26th Jan 2010, BeiChen District Committee and Government held 2009 economic commending meeting to commend and award companies that had made significant contributions to fast and good economic development of BeiChen District in 2009. Sinoma Energy Conservation Company, as a large taxpayer, was awarded of ‘the most competitive company’ and one car by BeiChen District Committee and Government. As the representative of Sinoma EC, Shui Wei (general accountant) attended the meeting.

In the past two years, with realization of great-leap-forward development of company, SINOMA EC has paid taxes actively in accordance with laws and makes great contributions to economic development of Bei Chen District. Sinoma EC will try more efforts to keep its achievements and improve operation quality and economic profits continuously, so as to make greater contributions to fast and good development of economy and society of TianJin City and BeiChen district.

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