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General Manager Mr. Liu Zhijiang of Sinoma Group and Chairman Mr. Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC Visit Chinese Embassy in Turkey

PublishDate:2010-01-27 Source:

On 23rd Jan. 2010, General Manager Liu Zhijiang of Sinoma Group and Chairman Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC go to Chinese Embassy in Turkey in the company of Counselor Guo Chuanwei of the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office and call on Ambassador Gong Xiaosheng.

Ambassador Gong extended a warm welcome to Chairman Zhang Qi’s visiting. After briefly explaining the Turkey economic development situation, Ambassador Gong emphatically explained and mentioned the important notice when Sinoma-EC entering into the Turkey market, especially required Sinoma-EC pay attention to the long time Turkey market investigation, and gradually gain a firm foothold in Turkey this bridgehead led to Europe and lay a solid foundation for entering into Europe.

General Manager Liu Zhijiang said that Sinoma Group attached great importance to the contact with Chinese Embassies and Consulates Overseas. Chinese Embassies and Consulates Overseas is the strong backing for business development of Sinoma Group overseas. He briefly introduced the situation of convening Sinoma-EC WHR and Cement technology introduction meeting and the conditions of Sinoma Group development. He also mentioned that the Cement project of Sinoma in Saudi, President Hu Jintao ever visited the construction site of that project in person and gave full recognition and affirmation to that project construction.

Chairman Zhang Qi expressed that Sinoma-EC will make more contact with Embassies and Consulates, timely report the situation of project progress and market open-up and please Embassies continue to give more support and help to Sinoma-EC in future.

Sinoma Group’s Deputy Director of the Office Yuan Dong etc. attended the meeting.

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