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General Manager Mr. Liu Zhijiang of Sinoma Group and Chairman Mr. Zhang Qi Visit Turkey Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy

PublishDate:2010-01-27 Source:

In the afternoon of 23rd Jan. 2010, after the close of Sinoma-EC WHR and Cement technology Turkey introduction meeting, General Manager Liu Zhijiang of Sinoma Group visited Turkey Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy in the company of Chairman Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC and called on Turkey Minister of Foreign Trade Mr. Zafer CAGLAYAN.

General Manager Liu Zhijiang briefly introduced the development situation of Sinoma Group and Sinoma-EC company and highly appreciated the positive effect that this introduction meeting successfully hosted by Sinoma-EC created. He hoped we can continue to get great support and help from Turkey Ministry of Foreign Trade in future cooperation.

Turkey Minister of Foreign Trade Mr. Zafer extended a warm welcome to General Manager Liu Zhijiang and Chairman Zhang Qi’s visiting and expressed certainty on the rapid development of China and the positive influence of Chinese companies in the international market. He also emphatically introduced the development situation of foreign companies investing business in Turkey. He said that, except for preferential policy on tariff, before the end of 2010, Turkey also will provide more preferential treatment and conveniences to the companies that invest the industries such as wind energy, solar energy and new energy etc. He hoped Sinoma-EC can seize the opportunity, at the basis of sincerity, friendly and win-win, continually expand the cooperation in the field of wind energy, composite material and fiber glass etc. expect for waste heat recovery and make a contribution to promote the economic and trade cooperation between China and Turkey.

Deputy Director of the Office Mr. Yuan Dong of Sinoma Group, Chairman Mr. SUAT of Turkey SC Company and Mrs. SUAT attended the meeting.

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