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General Manager Mr. Liu Zhijiang of Sinoma Group and Chairman Mr. Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC Visit the Chairman of the Turkey National Constitutional Council

PublishDate:2010-01-27 Source:

In the afternoon of 23rd Jan. 2010, before the opening of introduction meeting of Sinoma-EC Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) and Cement technology, General Manager Liu Zhijiang of Sinoma Group went to Turkey State Parliament Building and meet Mr. Metin K?LC? Chairman of the Turkey National Constitutional Council in the company of Chairman Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC.

The both parties, under the friendly and agreeable atmosphere, widely exchanged various opinion and suggestion and had effective meeting on Turkey energy status and the prospect of extension of energy-saving and emission-reduction technology in Turkey.

Liu Zhijiang said in the meeting that Turkey had become the world's emerging economies and the energy-saving and emission-reduction industry such as in cement etc. also had a great development. The economic and trade cooperation between China and Turkey in field of energy-saving and emission-reduction had great potential for development. Though there are some differences in languages and cultures of two countries, energy-saving and emission-reduction is common concerned topic of all humanity. The energy conservation technology and cement technology of Sinoma Group will surely bring new energy to Turkey economic development.

Mr. Metin K?LC? expressed that the prospects of the relations between China and Turkey was very good, Sinoma Group as the large famous Chinese company started the business in Turkey that will surely play the huge promotion effect to the joint development of two countries economy. Turkey is a country whose energy is depended on import and local energy production is scarce. Therefore, the market prospects in economy and environmentally-friendly energy resources recovery technology in Turkey is very bright. Meanwhile, he also said that Turkey government set a high value on WHR technology of Sinoma-EC and will provide necessary help and support to the extension of this technology in Turkey.

Vice general manager Ms. Liu Chunyan of Sinoma-EC, General Manager Mr. Yao Yuanjun of Wuhan Building Material Industry Design & Research Institute, Deputy Director of the Office Mr. Yuan Dong of Sinoma Group, Chairman Mr. and Mrs. SUAT of Turkey SC Company attended the meeting.

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