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Chairman Mr. Zhang Qi Visits Turkey CIMSA Cement Group

PublishDate:2010-02-03 Source:

On 24th Jan. 2010, after the introduction meeting of Sinoma-EC Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) and Cement technology achieved complete success, Chairman Zhang Qi visited Turkey CIMSA Cement Group in the company of Vice General Manager Liu Chunyan, Market Dep. Minister Wang Yi and Market Dep. Vice Minister Zhang Fubin etc..

General Manager Mr. MEHMET HACIKAMILOGLU of CIMSA Cement Group extended a warm welcome to Chairman Zhang Qi’s visiting and introduced the development course and business scope of CIMSA Cement Group in detail.

Chairman Zhang Qi briefly introduced the situation of convening Sinoma-EC WHR and Cement technology introduction meeting and the conditions of Sinoma-EC’s business development. He said that as the most powerful and professional energy conservation engineering company in the world, WHR technology of Sinoma-EC has been successfully applied at production practice of various industries. He hoped that as the advanced energy conservation technology of Sinoma-EC spreads throughout Turkey, we can make positive contribution to the socio-economic development of Turkey.

In talks, both parties also had deep discussion and communication on the underway WHR project of CIMSA Group.

CIMSA Cement Group is the biggest special cement manufacturer in Turkey and has many Branches in Turkey.

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