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Chairman Mr. Zhang Qi Visits Turkey AKCANSA Cement Group

PublishDate:2010-02-03 Source:

On 25th Jan.2010, Chairman Zhang Qi and his party visited Turkey AKCANSA Cement Group and had a cordial talking with this group’s General Manager Mr. H,HAKAN GURDAL.

AKCANSA Cement Group is the joint venture of Heidelberg Cement Group in Turkey. Sinoma-EC undertakes the WHR project of cement production line which is a unit of AKCANA Cement Group and located in Çanakkale province. At present, this project goes smoothly.

Chairman Zhang Qi expressed thanks to Heidelberg Cement Group and AKCANSA Cement Group choosing cooperation with Sinoma-EC. He said that on the project implementation, Sinoma-EC will make an elaborate design and thorough organization to ensure successful completion of this project on schedule. Chairman Zhang Qi also introduced the investment business of Sinoma-EC.

In talks, both parties also had discussion on the cooperation in the other fields besides cement industry in future.

Sinoma-EC Vice General Manager Liu Chunyan, Market Dep. Minister Wang Yi and Market Dep. Vice Minister Zhang Fubin etc. attended the meeting.

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