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Receiving of Factory Acceptance Certificate (FAC) for Pakistan CCCL WHR Project from the Owner

PublishDate:2010-04-26 Source:

On April 20, 2010, Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., on behalf of the company, took over the Factory Acceptance Certificate (FAC) for waste heat power plant project of Cherat Cement Co., Ltd. from Mr. Azam, CEO of Cherat Cement Co., Ltd. in Pakistan.

The WHR project for Cherat Cement Co., Ltd.-CCCL (3200t / d) in Pakistan was commenced in January, 2009, after a year of hard work, this system was synchronized and energized power on January 29, 2010, and successfully passed the performance guarantee test in March 30, 2010, and then received the certificate issued by the owner. The Owner of CCCL was very satisfied with our waste heat power generation equipment, technical services and project management. Mr. Azam, CEO of CCCL, took a special trip to China on April 19, 2010 to thank Sinoma EC and signed the final FAC. At this point, the General Contract for WHR Project of Cherat Cement Co., Ltd. undertaken by Sinoma EC has been fulfilled and completed in accordance with the contract.

Ms Liu Chunyan, Vice President of Sinoma EC, Mr. Yao Yuanjun, President of Sinoma Wuhan Building Materials Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and the management staff who devoted in the implementation of this project, attended the signing ceremony of the certificate.

Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma EC, on behalf of the company, took over the Factory Acceptance Certificate for waste heat power plant project of Cherat Cement Co., Ltd. from Mr. Azam, CEO of Cherat Cement Co., Ltd.

Completion Ceremony of Pakistan CCCL WHR Project Undertaken by Sinoma EC

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