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Sinoma EC Won the Praise by the Owner of SCCC on the Safety Work of WHR Project

PublishDate:2010-04-27 Source:

On the afternoon of April 21, 2010, There is the warm atmosphere in the office building of Siam City Cement Corporation Company (SCCC), Under the accompany of Mr.Hou Yueguang, project manager of Sinoma EC, Mr. Philip, Chief Executive Officer of SCCC, inspected the WHR working site, met our project safety team and those advanced individual of each subcontractor, and presented to them the awards and prizes. Mr. Philip is very pleased to see that "Safety First" philosophy of HOLCIM has been the recognition of ordinary workers, and expressed thanks to the hard work of project safety department members and gave a high degree of recognition and affirmation to the safety management work of our project safety department.

Praise by SCCC to the safety working

Thailand SCCC project is our key project, two ten thousand tons of cement production lines at the same time launched waste heat power generation project is the first time over global scale, the project of a lot of technical difficulties and bigger construction difficulties and, as the world's second largest cement producer, HOLCIM Group put stricter requirements on the safe production. This requires the implementation of the project not only to ensure progress, but also to ensure quality, it shall always focus on safety-oriented work, as the first priority.

Project Department formulated a series of safety systems and specifications, emergency rescue response plan and organized emergency treatment exercises, truly putting the concept of safety to every aspect of project implementation.

At present, the site construction has come to the most critical time, project department staff, in strict compliance with the provisions of SCCC, under the premise of safety management, is putting their best efforts to promote the progress of the project, for the early realization of the project to be put into operation.

Accident and Emergency Drills by Sinoma EC Project Safety Department

Safety Training on Subcontractor by Sinoma EC Project Safety Department

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