On Aug. 12th, 2010, Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. (Sinoma EC) signed two Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (WHR PP) EPC Contracts with Turkish client named BATICIM Cement Group in Turkey. This is the second time of cooperation with BATICIM cement group since the successful holding of the seminar of waste heat recovery power generation technology by Sinoma EC in Ankara, capital of Turkey this year. The contracts signed are 12MW WHR PP project for Baticim Bati Anadolu Cimento SanayII A.S. and 7MW WHR PP project for Batisoke Soke Cimento SanayII T.A.S both under BATICIM Cement Group.


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More Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant EPC Contracts Signed in Turkey

PublishDate:2010-08-13 Source:

On Aug. 12th, 2010, Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. (Sinoma EC) signed two Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (WHR PP) EPC Contracts with Turkish client named BATICIM Cement Group in Turkey. This is the second time of cooperation with BATICIM cement group since the successful holding of the seminar of waste heat recovery power generation technology by Sinoma EC in Ankara, capital of Turkey this year. The contracts signed are 12MW WHR PP project for Baticim Bati Anadolu Cimento SanayII A.S. and 7MW WHR PP project for Batisoke Soke Cimento SanayII T.A.S both under BATICIM Cement Group.

After the project to be put into operation,it will annually save about 55,000 tons standard coal and reduce 120,000 tons carbon dioxide emissions which will make further contribution to alleviating global warming.

BATICIM Cement Group is located in Izmir of Turkey. It is a listed company registered in Istanbul Stock Exchange whose business contains fields such as cement production, commercial concrete manufacture, fly ash treatment and port service etc. Depending on 2,200,000 tons yearly productive capacity of it-owned cement company of BATICIM and BATISOKE, BATICIM Cement Group has now become the 7th largest cement producer in Turkey.

Mr. Ge Liwu, Vice President of Sinoma EC, led a delegation to Turkey for contract negotiation and signing along with members including Mr. Wang Yi, Director of Marketing department, Mr. Qu Tiezheng, Marketing Manager, Mr. Ji Lei, Marketing Manager Assistant, etc. Sinoma EC states that the signing of the two projects has proven once again that the technology and equipment on low-temperature waste heat recovery power generation for cement kiln gets recognized by more and more domestic and oversea customers. It laid a solid foundation for winning Turkish market and into European market, and gradually established a good corporate image of Sinoma EC in the worldwide market.

It is reported that the contract of low-temperature waste heat power generation with installed capacity of 15MW signed between Sinoma EC and Akcansa Cement Company in Turkey under Germany Heidelberg Group firstly goes into the Turkish market.

At present, the waste heat power generation projects designed and constructed by Sinoma EC with advanced technology have spread to 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, and also exported to 10 foreign countries and regions such as Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and so on.

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