On July 4, 2010, the 3-person team led by SCG project operation director, Mr. Surapon visited Sinoma EC. Sinoma EC’s Chairman of Board of Directors, Mr. Zhang Qi, General Manager, Mr. He Xinping, Vice President, Mr. Ge Liwu, Chief Engineer, Mr. Dong Lanqi respectively met with them.



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Technical Communications between Sinoma EC and SCG

PublishDate:2010-07-13 Source:

On July 4, 2010, the 3-person team led by SCG project operation director, Mr. Surapon visited Sinoma EC. Sinoma EC’s Chairman of Board of Directors, Mr. Zhang Qi, General Manager, Mr. He Xinping, Vice President, Mr. Ge Liwu, Chief Engineer, Mr. Dong Lanqi respectively met with them.

In the two-day meeting, technical details were talked, including WHR power plant operation, maintenance, spare parts supply and plant overhauling. Leaders and employees from marketing, project execution, technical and R&D, procurement, after sale divisions attended these discussions.

Sinoma EC built 6 WHR power plant for 3 cement plants of SCG, with total installed capacity of 58MW. The WHR plants for SCG TS plant first phase (9MW), second phase WHR (22MW), TL plant (18MW), LP plant(9 MW) were built by Sinoma EC, and all of them are now in good operation.

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