On the afternoon of September 6, 2010, grand ceremony was held to mark the commencement of Turkey AKCANSA WHR Project, which was undertaken by Sinoma EC from Germany Heidelberg Group. In total more than 200 persons took part in the ceremony, including the General Manager of Sinoma EC, Mr. He Xinping, the Vice President of Sinoma EC, Mr. Wei Wenhua, the major of Anakalai and other governmental officers, CEO of Heidelberg Group, Mr. Mr.Scheifele, CEO of Heidelberg Holding Sabanci Group, Mr. Zafer Kurtul, Chairman of Board of directors of AKCANSA cement company, and reporters from Turkey mainstream media.


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Grand Commencement Ceremony Held for Sinoma EC’s Turkey AKCANSA WHR Project

PublishDate:2010-09-14 Source:

On the afternoon of September 6, 2010, grand ceremony was held to mark the commencement of Turkey AKCANSA WHR Project, which was undertaken by Sinoma EC from Germany Heidelberg Group. In total more than 200 persons took part in the ceremony, including the General Manager of Sinoma EC, Mr. He Xinping, the Vice President of Sinoma EC, Mr. Wei Wenhua, the major of Anakalai and other governmental officers, CEO of Heidelberg Group, Mr. Mr.Scheifele, CEO of Heidelberg Holding Sabanci Group, Mr. Zafer Kurtul, Chairman of Board of directors of AKCANSA cement company, and reporters from Turkey mainstream media.

Mr. He Xinping made a warm speech in the ceremony. He said, as a leading whole solution provider in WHR industry, Sinoma EC paid great attention to the cooperation with Heidelberg Group on the AKCANSA project. Sinoma EC would establish high efficient project management team to ensure this project built into a example project. In the evening, Mr. He Xinping, Mr. Wei Wenhua and project management team also attended the welcome party organized by AKCANSA cement company in Konlin Hotel. Both parties carried out friendly communications regarding how to execute the project and agreed to support each other and make efforts to complete this project successfully.

The installed capacity of AKCANSA WHR project is 15 MW, which is expected to save energy 105million kW every year, and reduce CO2 emission by 60000tons every year. This will equal to the O2 emission by 2.7million trees.

In Turkey, Mr. He Xinping, Mr. Wei Wenhua and director of Project Management Division, Mr. Wang Pin were briefed by the project manager, Mr. Wu Sujun on the project progress. They also inspection the project site.

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