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Sinoma-EC was Invited to Participate in the Annual EIF World Energy Congress 2010

PublishDate:2010-10-28 Source:

From 21st to 22nd October, Sinoma-EC was invited to participate in 2010 Annual EIF World Energy Congress which was held in Turkey’s capital Ankara. Global Energy Association’s Chairman Atty. Çi?dem ?.D?LEK, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDO?AN, Chairman of Turkey Energy Committee Hasan Ali ÇEL?K, and the representatives of Turkey Energy Department and Environment Department attended the congress.

It was reported that this congress took “Renewable Resources Tomorrow of Turkey and World” as a subject. The congress carried out the discussion and communication around some themes: policies, laws and regulations of renewable resources, investment and financing model, government stimulus measures, equipment manufacturing, the development situation of solar and wind-energy industries, energy conservation of life and building, and waste energy utilization etc. Share the advanced experience of renewable resources utilization in the world.

Liu Xide was invited to participate in the discussion of “Waste Utilization of Turkey and World”. Ge Liwu made a speech, entitled “Utilization Route of China's Industrial Waste Heat—Waste Heat Also Be Valuable Resource”. He explicitly stated the contributions that were made by China to the world energy conservation and emission reduction through using industrial waste heat; and Sinoma-EC developed the advanced technology of WHR in various fields of cement, steel, glass and carbon etc. It prompted strong reactions of participants.

This congress also had exhibition area. The exhibition stand of Sinoma-EC caught the most visitors’ eye. Turkey Energy Minister Taner YILDIZ visited the exhibition stand of Sinoma-EC with interest and communicates with exhibitors. The representatives of Turkey government departments and industries asked the exhibitors of Sinoma-EC about the energy conservation methods of various industry fields and the practicability of waste heat recovery project; and expressed the expectations of the cooperation with Sinoma-EC with good intentions.

Previously, Sinoma-EC already has entered into the market of Turkey. The participation of this energy congress make the participants more fully understand the waste heat recovery technology of Sinoma-EC, and is positive for promoting the advanced WHR technology of Sinoma-EC in various fields develop from Turkey to Europe.

Vice President of Sinoma-EC – Ge Liwu is making a speech in the congress.

Secretary of the Party Committee of Sinoma-EC – Liu Xide (fourth right) is in the exhibition.

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