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Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. Founded in Tianjin

PublishDate:2010-12-01 Source:

On 29th November, Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. was founded in Tianjin.

On that day, Sinoma-EC held the corporation foundation meeting and the first session of the first meeting of the board of directors and the board of supervisors in Tianjin Ruijing Hotel. Sinoma Group leaders who are Chairman of Tan Zhongming, Vice President Yu Guobo, General Counsel and Legal Department Director Lu Xinhua, Vice Director of Administrative Department Zhang Zhonghai and Sinoma-EC other shareholders representatives, directors, supervisors and executives attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Chairman of Sinoma-EC Zhangqi.

The foundation meeting examined and adopted the “The Report of Situation of Establish Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.”, “Set up the Bill of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.” and “Articles of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.”, and selected new members of the board of directors and the board of supervisors. After deliberated by the first session of the first meeting of the board of directors and the board of supervisors, Mr. Zhangqi acted as Chairman, Mr. Hu Yeming acted as President and Mr. Ge Liwu etc. formed a new top management team. Mr. Lu Xinhua was selected Chairman of the board of supervisors.

In the meeting, Mr. Tan Zhongming made summery speech, which highly appreciated the achievements of Sinoma-EC in the past three years and encouraged the new board of directors and management team to make persistent effort in order to realize the second forward development of Sinoma-EC.

Sinoma-EC gets forward development in three years, which already has become the leading integrated services provider of waste heat recovery in China and the world. This restructuring which is setting up stock company is a new milestone in the development history of Sinoma-EC. It will further improve administrant structure of company, improve the management level and move toward the goal of world -class specialization enterprise in energy conversation and emission reduction.

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