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Tianjin Zhenxing WHPG Project Passed Final Acceptance

PublishDate:2010-06-04 Source:

On June 2nd, 2011, Tianjin Electric Power Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station hosted the final acceptance meeting for waste heat power generation project of Tianjin Zhenxing Cement Co., Ltd., which marked a smooth transition to the full operation of Zhenxing WHPG Plant built by Sinoma-EC.

Relevant leaders from Tianjin Electric Power Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station, accompanied by experts in the field of turbine, boiler, electrical, thermal control, construction and financial and other senior experts, listened to the report on engineering design and construction process made by Sinoma-EC and other companies; they also carefully observed project documents at the various stages and made a visit and inspection to the construction site. This group of experts spoke highly of Sinoma-EC’s energy-saving cogeneration technology and reckoned that the construction and management of the power plant was at a high level, therefore, official operation can be initiated.

Tianjin Zhenxing Cement Co., Ltd. made full use of the waste heat from its two 2000 t / d cement clinker production line to build 2 × 4.5MW waste heat power plant, while Sinoma-EC contracted the EPC contract of this project. After nearly a year of intense design and construction, currently the equipment in the plant are running well, automation rate is up to 95% or more, comparing to the running rate of cement production lines as 98%; and the average power output is more than 7500kW.

The WHPG Project of Zhenxing Cement includes not only the waste heat power plants, but also sewage treatment, dining and bathroom heating items, etc, they have passed two consecutive years’ test of the winter after putting into operation, and it is known that the heat is stable, power generation rate is high, and good economic benefits have been achieved.

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