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Cheerful news from Turkey, new contract signed at the beginning of new year.

PublishDate:2011-02-11 Source:

At the beginning of 2011, afterwards the successfully signed contract with cement companies of Turkey AKCANSA of Heidelberg, BATICIM , and BTISORK, a cheerful news come again , a good start of the year, 10th February , Sinoma-EC successfully signed WHR EPC contract with Turkey Nuh Cimento Sanayi A.S. Cement company.

Sinoma–EC, Mr. Wang Yi, Director of marketing department, the project manager Mr. Qu Tiezheng , Mr. Liuqiang and Mr. Hong Huilin, together with Mr. ATALAY SAHINOGLU the president of Nuh Cimento Sanayi A.S. Cement company and Mr. OZER YURTBILIR , Executive Director attended the contract signing ceremony.

Nuh Cimento Sanayi A.S. Cement company locates in Istanbul, Turkey, it is a listed company registered in the stock exchange company of Istanbul, it is also the largest cement manufacturer in Turkey and one of the top 100 companies, its business includes the scope of cement production, ready-mixed concrete, coal powder treatment, and port services.

At the present, the WHR projects of Sinoma-EC ,which designed by using our advanced technology , can be found all over of the 30 provinces , autonomous regions of China, and exported to Europe, Africa and South-east Asia, more than 10 countries and regions, Sinoma-EC has made a positive contribution for the exports of Chinese energy saving technology and equipments.

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