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President Hu Yeming visiting Turkey projects

PublishDate:2011-04-13 Source:

8th April to 11th April , 2010, Mr. Hu Yeming , the president of Sinoma Energy conservation Ltd., Mr. Wang Yi the director of Marketing department and accompanied by Mr. Xu Shengchang, the Vice director of project department, has visited the WHR projects of BATICIM、AKCANSA and NUH in Tuerkey.

Since the promotion fair of 2010 was successfully held in Ankara, Sinoma Energy conservation Ltd.has successively signed EPC and EP contract with Heidelberg AKCANSA, BATICIM , BATISORK and NUH Cimento Sanayi A.S., further expand its overseas markets, significantly increased its international influence in cement power generation.

With attention of the leaders of our company, and the great efforts of the our staff, the progress of the projects in Turkey are going smoothly, President Hu visited the projects and listened the reports of project team carefully, and detailed asked the existing difficulties and problems, and made a thorough deployment for carrying on the further work. In meanwhile , President Hu also requires that the staff in turkey projects shall make an effective implementation plan in connection with the actual condition, to ensure the project was carried out strictly within the framework of the contract, to establish a responsible international company image of Sinoma-EC.

During the visiting, President Hu had a cordial meeting with Mr. Atalay ?AH?NO?LU the chairman and Mr. Hayrettin ?ENER , the general manager of NUH Cimento Sanayi A.S., He introduced them the remarkable achievements China has gained in the cement fields since its reform and opening-up, and the fruitful results obtained in WHR industries, He express his thanks to NUH Cimento Sanayi A.S. has given the strong support and cooperation during project implementation, and sincerely invites Mr. Atalay ?AH?NO?LU and Mr. Hayrettin ?ENER go to Sinoma-EC for a visit at a proper time.

President Hu talking with the owner NUH

President Hu talking with the owner BATICIM

President Hu visiting WHR project of NUH Cimento Sanayi A.S.

President Hu talking with on-site project team

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