April 28, 2011, Sinoma Energy conversation Ltd. won National Labor awards, the award ceremony held in Tianjin. Ms. Liu Haihua , the chairman of Chinese machinery and metallurgy building materials union , of National Federation of labor Unions, and Mr. Li Baokun, Xue hui , the leaders of Beichen district, together with Mr. Yu Shiliang and Ms. Zhang Jiang , the leaders of Sinoma group, and President Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC attended the ceremony, the ceremony presided over by Mr. Zhang Jiang.


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Sinoma-EC won National Labor awards

PublishDate:2011-04-28 Source:

April 28, 2011, Sinoma Energy conversation Ltd. won National Labor awards, the award ceremony held in Tianjin. Ms. Liu Haihua , the chairman of Chinese machinery and metallurgy building materials union , of National Federation of labor Unions, and Mr. Li Baokun, Xue hui , the leaders of Beichen district, together with Mr. Yu Shiliang and Ms. Zhang Jiang , the leaders of Sinoma group, and President Zhang Qi of Sinoma-EC attended the ceremony, the ceremony presided over by Mr. Zhang Jiang.

Ms. Liu Haihua , Yu Shiliang and Zhang Qi presented a speech on the ceremony , Ms. Liu Haihua issued Sinoma-EC the Labor awards and certificates.

Ms. Liu Haihua , on behalf of Chinese machinery and metallurgy building materials union , of National Federation of Trade Unions, presented congratulations to Sinoma-EC, she says , over the past three years , Sinoma-EC has exerted great efforts to develop the enterprise by technology, adhere to market-oriented, and focus on improving their core competitiveness as a target, has achieved a great success by devoting to its main business and extending their technology to the related industries , and meanwhile focus on the technological innovations. Sinoma-EC see the WHR System optimization as a key point, continuously to promote independent innovation, and to improve scientific and technological progress, they has made a number of independent intellectual property rights in the WHR power generation fields.

Ms. Liu says that the National Labor Awards is the highest award of the country on making a comprehensive evaluation of the enterprises, she hopes Sinoma-EC can catch the opportunity, and keep up the good work, to bring up a knowledge-based, technology-oriented, and innovative team, continues to achieve new success.

Mr. Yu Shiliang , the secretary of the party committee of Sinoma Group, says that Simoma-EC as the a professional company which engages in utilization of the waste heat and pressure under Sinoma Group, they seriously implement the industry development strategy of Sinoma Group in recent years, to deepen the enterprise reform, and promote merger and reorganization, reinforce the management, and carry the constant innovation, their production scale gained a rapid expansion, and obtained a qualitative leap in the economic capabilities. Since 2007 to 2010, the production assets, total sales and total benefits of Simoa-EC has realized over 200% growth over the years, it presents a thriving and robust development momentum.

Mr. Yu Shiliang came up with for requirements for Sinoma-EC’s future development: Firstly, to renew conventional idea as a guide, firmly establish the science-based development, to firm the confidence to become a stronger and excellent enterprise;Secondly, to adapt to the modern enterprise system as opportunity, to explore a new system of the organization, fully play the central role of that;Thirdly , to speed up the development of the HR , be aware of the strategy of developing enterprise by talent management;Fourthly, whole-heatedly rely on the workers are the owner of the enterprise, and fully understand the important role of the labor union played.

Mr. Zhang Qi, presented a speech on behalf of Simoma-EC, he said , Sinoma-EC won the National Labor Award was attribute to the selfless guidance and supports of All-China Federation of Labor Unions, Sinoma Group and the local government, it is highly approval of the 3 three years of efforts of Sinoma-EC, and it is a kind of acknowledgement of the hard work of all Sinoma-EC staff, He also said that Sinoma-EC will see the “ Labor Award” as a new starting point, we will keep up the good work , follow the guidance of the top leadership, and closely rely on all the staff to follow up the development strategy . we will increase the technological innovation, and actively develop new markets, strive to improve the level of equipments , to speed up the completeness of the industrial chain, and promote the management level, in return to the trust and support of All-China Federation of Labor Unions and Sinoma Group. We will make arduous efforts to establish a first-class and full –service energy saving company, to paint a better tomorrow with our hard work.

It is reported that the National Labor Award was chosen through public appraisal, it is a comprehensive , and the highest level of an collective honor, Sinoma-EC is the fifth company to receive this award in Sinoma-Group.

Mr. Mao Yingchun, and Wang Xiao jie, the learders of MCC Building Materials Union, and the leaders of Bei Chen district, together with Mr.Chang Xiangwen ,and Mr. Cao Yongsheng , the leaders from Sinoma-group, and the staff of Sinoma-EC attended the ceremony.

Ms. Liu Haihua , the chairman of China National Machinery Metallurgy Building Material Union of the National Federation of Labor Unions

The director of Beichen District, Tianjin.

Mr. Yu Shiliang , Secretary of the Party Committee

Ms.Zhang Jiang , Deputy secretary and chairman of labor union of Sinoma-Group

Mr. Zhang Qi, the president of Sinoma-EC

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