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Sinoma-EC groundbreaking at Holcim Vietnam

PublishDate:2011-05-31 Source:

On 26th May, 2011, the EPC WHR project of Holcim Vietnam undertaken by Sinoma Energy conservation Ltd. held a groundbreaking ceremony in Hon Chong county, Kien Giang province, Vietnam. Mr. Nguy?n Tr?n Nam, the governor of Kien Giang province , Mr.Francois Goulut, the technical director of Vietnam Holcim, and Mr. Aridavid Lozano , the director of cement plant, together with Mr. Hu Yeming , the president of Sinoma-EC starts the button, which was once again cooperation with Holcim group afterwards Thailand SCCC 1000 t/d project.

In the groundbreaking ceremony , Mr.Francois Goulut on behalf of Holcim group gave Sinoma-EC a highly appraise on its undergoing contract and its honesty style and strong cooperation of each other. He pointed out that the power plant not only created impressive economic benefits for Holcim, but also make a positive contribution for the local environment protection .

Subsequently, the President, Mr. Hu Yeming , gave a impassioned speech , firstly he on behalf of the Sinoma-EC to express his warm congratulations to the groundbreaking of Vietnam Holcim WHR, and express his sincere appreciation to all sectors of society. In the meanwhile he sincerely hopes that the successful complementation of this project will play a promotive role for Chinese and Vietnam friendship. He also reviewed the cooperation history between Sinoma-EC and Holcim, and certainly appreciate the mutual trust built by both sides. President Hu also said that , through the unremitting efforts of all Sinoma-EC staff, and under the active coordination of Hon Chong Cement plant of Holcim group, and also with the powerful support of vietnam government, Sinoma-EC will certainly hand over a satisfactory project to Holcim and vietnam government.

Hon Chong Cement plant locaes at southern Vietnam, the traffic terribly inconvenient, President , Hu Yeming arrived Ho Chi Minh City on 24th May, and fly to Kien Giang province in the next early morning , and arrived at the factory by 2 hours driving, Subsequently , he visited the whole project accompanied by the on site team , and visited the residence rented by site team, and extend his regards to the project team who work overseas for a long term .

Start the groundbreaking button together

Mr.Hu Yeming gave a passionate speech on the ground breaking ceremony

Mr. Hu Yeming visiting WHR project

Photo together on the ground breaking ceremony

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