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The leaders of Tianjin Science and Technology Commission visiting CNK project, Turkey

PublishDate:2011-05-31 Source:

26th May , 2011, Mr. Li Baochun , the director , and Mr. Liu Huizhong , the chief of of Tianjin Science and Technology Commission , accompanied by Ms. Shui Wei , the financial director of Sinoma-EC, visited the WHR project of AKCANSA(referred to as “CNK”)in Turkey, and express their greetings to the on-site team.

The group of Mr. Li Bochun, goes to visit site as soon as they arrived, the on-site team was well encouraged. At the present, CNK are on the critical stage of synchronization, the project right now is being carried out tensely and orderly. During the visiting , Mr. Li Bochun pointed out that the project shall not only ensure high quality as priority, but also pay attention to the beauty appearance so that to better display the company image.

After the visit , Ms. Shui Wei hosted the meeting of Sinoma-EC CHK Project Report, project manager , Mr. Wu Sujun made reports about the project management, progress and the cost control of the milestones.
Ms. Li Baochun and Mr. Liu Huizhong addressed in the meeting respectively, they says that Sinoma-EC enters into European market to be fully affirmed, and place hopes for Sinoma-EC, we believe Sinoma-EC will gain more powerful achievements with all the staff efforts, to do more makeable contributions for the state and society. Ms. Shui Wei made a concluding statement on behalf of our company, and conveyed greetings to the project team, and encourage them to achieve synchronization as early as possible with ensuring the construction quality, to realize the good start of the European market.

All the members of the project says that at right now of the last minute of the project, they will seize the day and seize the hour to do a perfect project by all-out efforts , will try their utmost to start power generation as early as possible , to earn honor for and lay a solid foundation for developing our European market.

Mr. Wu Sujun , the project manager introduces the project to Ms.Shui Wei , the financial inspector of Sinoma-EC.

Ms. Li Baochun (Left Second); Mr. Liu Huizhong (Right first) and Ms. Shui Wei ( Lfet first ), Financial inspector .

Mr. Li Baochuan and Ms. Shui Wei are talking about the advantages of the equipments.

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