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Sinoma-EC was invited to attend the” seminar of Industry Limestone Production-Cement Plant Energy Saving Technology”

PublishDate:2011-05-31 Source:

May 25, 2011, Sinoma Energy conservation Ltd was invited to participated in the seminar of “ Industrial limestone production-Cement plant energy saving”, which jointly held by the Vietnam Ministry of construction, Vietnam Building Materials Association and Vietnam building Materials Consulting Company. Dr.TRAN VAN HUYNH, the president of Vietnam Building Materials Association, Dr.LE VAN THANH, leader of department of Vietnam Ministry of construction and other industry leaders of Vietnam Ministry of construction attended the seminar.
Mr. Ge Liwu, vice president of Sinoma-EC , Mr. Jilei, Assistant of marketing manager , and Mr. Donglonglong about 130 people attended the seminar.

On the seminar, Mr.Ge Liwu ,vice president of Sinoma-EC made a wonderful speech of “Status of WHR plant and investment in Vietnam”, elaborated the development of energy saving technology and the advanced technology and rich experience of Sinoma-EC on WHR in cement fields , and recognized by them. On the meeting , Mr Ge Liwu , the vice president of Sinoma-EC also combined with the first power station –Hong Chong cement WHR (invested by Holcim), introduced the energy saving and emission reduction technology , and thus the resulting economic and social benefits, and he also answered the questions related with the meeting participants, his excellent speech and respondence received a strong reaction among the participants, and gained a highly appraise from the leaders of Vietnam Ministry of construction and Building Materials Association.

This technical seminar is on the theme of “Cement production technology renovation and Cement plant energy saving and emission reduction”, the theme around the process of limestone production technology renovation, cement plant information management and the use of renewable resources like waste heat in the cement production.

During the seminar, Mr.Ge Liwu also received an exclusive interview about “ WHR marketing prospects and Sinoma-EC how to develop WHR mode in Vitnam” from VTV1, a central television of Vitnam. Mr. Ge Liwu, upon the theme of the seminar, introduced that the WHR play a decisive role in the energy saving ad emission reduction, and answered the questions of the reporters about “how to conduct WHR project in Vietnam”.

Mr. Ge Liwu accepting the exclusive interview from VTV1 .

Mr. Ge Liwu giving a speech on the seminar.

Photo with the participators : Mr. Ge Liwu , Vice president ( Right 2nd); Dr.TRAN VAN HUYNH (Right 3rd),chairman of Vietnam Building Materials Association.

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