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Sinoma-EC contract EPC WHR project again for 10000 t/d Cement plant

PublishDate:2011-06-30 Source:

After the successful cooperation with HOLCIM cement group Thailand 2X10000t/d WHR project, Sinoma Energy conservation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Sinoma -EC")successfully signed the EPC contract for the 10000 t/d WHR with UCC cement in scorching UAE,

Sinoma-EC Marketing director , Mr. Wang Yi , Marketing manager ,Mr.Li Hao, Liu Zhibin and Hong Huilin witnessed this historic moment together with UAE UCCC chairman Mr.Rami, General manager Mr. Yasir, Production manager Mr. Nasser and the consultant of UCC .

Known as the famous cement company and the largest cement manufacturer in the Middle East, UCC has chosen Sinoma-EC as the EPC contractor which fully demonstrated that its recognition to the continuous research and experience of Sinoma-EC in the technologies of WHR fields over the last three decades

The successful cooperation between Sinoma-EC and UCC ,will further open the marketing window and lay a solid foundation for Sinoma-EC in Middle East and Africa .

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