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Sinoma Energy Conservation Work Together with Holcim Again in India

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

Mumbai, India. August 5th, 2011. Marketing Director WANG Yi and Procurement Director Shakti Arora on behalf of SEC and ACC (Holcim India) in respective signed on the business agreement for Ambuja ACC (Holcim India) WHR, which marks SEC’s WHR technology and equipment debut in the India market.

Marketing manager QU Tiezheng, JI Lei, relevant management from Ambuja ACC (Holcim India) and SEC’s Indian partner Mr.Nandakumar the general manager from DHO company and Mr. Nalwaya from KSN company witnessed the historic moment together.

ACC (Holcim India) is the subsidiary of the second largest cement group worldwide Holcim, and the WHR project is the third contract signed between Holcim and SEC just after the cooperations of SCCC Thailand and Hon Chong Vietnam, it not only marks the sophistication of the waste hear recovery technology and equipment has been accepted by Holcim Group, but also signaled that SEC is highly appreciated for its project management as a qualified contractor by Holcim Group. This event also laid foundation for SEC’s India marketing progress and globalization.

ACC (Holcim India) is the largest cement producer in India, which has 16 plants with the annual capacity of almost 30,000,000 ton.

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