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Good News From Sinoma Hanjiang WHR Project

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

A few days ago, the good news came from Sinoma Hanjiang WHR project that each operating index of power station reached the design requirement; the highest power generation reached 7.5MW, the average power generation reached 6500KW and had acquired some phasing achievements.

Hanjiang WHR project is the BOT project which is cooperative project between Sinoma EC and Sinoma Cement. Both parties make sincere cooperation and support each other since the construction of project. During the operation of project, they actively solve the found problems and get good results. Now, the power generation and each production operation index of WHR station have been increased and reach the requirement of design. Therefore, Sinoma Hanjiang Cement Ltd sent the letter of congratulation to Sinoma EC to express thanks and congratulations and hope that both parties cooperate perfectly in the future works and reach new heights.

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