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MIIT Inspector Mr. Jia Yinsong Visit CNK Project Site of Sinoma EC

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

In the morning of 27th August, 2011, “Walk Out” strategy implementation delegation grouped by MIIT Inspector Mr. Jia Yinsong, Investigator Madam Gao Xiuying and leaders from Secretary office of Central Committee General Office, in the company of Vice President Mr. Yu Guobo of Sinoma, Vice Director of Foreign Affairs Office Mr.Yuandong of Sinoma and President Hu Yeming, Vice President Wei Wenhua and Director of Marketing Division Wangyi of Sinoma EC(“Company” for short), visited the WHR Project of AKCANSA (“CNK” for short) Cement Company constructed by Company and expressed their sincere appreciation to the working people on site.

The group of Jia Yinsong endured the hardships of a long journey and visited the project on site that exerted a stimulating effect on the people on site. At present, the commissioning work of CNK project had been finished successfully and entered into the phase of operation and test. CNK cement production line is installed with 15MW waste heat generator unit, which runs very well since putting into operation and the power generation is stable. On condition that it doesn’t affect the clinker production, it often generates more 10% power. The leaders stand at the CCR and saw the overload power generation and fully affirmed the success operation of CNK project of Sinoma EC and highly appreciated the technical level in design and equipment installation of Sinoma EC.

After finishing the visit, President Hu Yeming held a working report meeting of Sinoma EC CNK project department. Project Manager Wu Sujun made a report on project management, project progress and cost control etc.

After listening the report, Jia Yinsong used “Three Mastery” to fully affirm the achievements gained by Sinoma EC under the strategic guidance of “Walk Out” and pointed out the CNK project was a striking victory of Sinoma EC depending on “Technology Mastery, Equipment Mastery and Project Management Mastery”. He pointed out that the external works should be done well from six aspects: one was establishing good relationship with the owner and local government departments and dealt with the relations with local residents very well; two was enhancing safety management and drawing up emergency contingency planning and then carrying out exercising, practically and solidly completing safety work; three was due to overseas project far away from motherland, caring for the life of workers and meeting the requirements of works from spirit and culture aspect; four was we should have innovation consciousness and kept the mentality of “Only better, No the best” in the management and business model, and absorb new thoughts; five was we should keep pace with the national strategy of “Walk Out” and become the file leader of “Walk Out”, serve the national strategy and get the mutual benefit; six was enhancing the education of sense of motherland honour and sense of pride, our behavior represented the image of country and company over the seas, “Do not good for small, not to small to do this evil”, win honors for the motherland.

Vice President Yu Guobo of Sinoma pointed out that we could cooperate with Heidelberg which was an international high-end customer, so we must make continuous innovation on management model and sum up experience for our use. On the project management, we must strictly manage safety production. Keep connections with the consuls in the foreign countries, on occasion, we could ask their help and assistance. The firm should step up publicity and carry forward the concept of “Waste Reduction, Human Fortune”.

In the meeting, President Hu Yeming of Sinoma EC expressed warm welcome to the leaders of MIIT and Sinoma Group to visit the CNK project. He reported the implementation of “Walk Out” strategy by Sinoma EC to the leaders. He said that CNK project was the first project of our company in Turkey and the first project that was cooperated with Heidelberg, the success implementation and earlier completion of this project was not only create the history but also provide the favorable conditions to open up a broader market space for Sinoma EC.

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