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Qinghai Qi Lianshan (Huangzhong) Project of Sinoma EC Pass the External Audit Successfully

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

On 30th August, 2011, China Quality Mark Certification Group made an external audit of three systems “quality, environment, OH&S” for Qinghai Qilianshan (Huangzhong) WHR Project of our company.

In the company of the Director of Safety Supervision Division Mr. Zhuli, the Director of Engineering Division Mr. Wangpin and Assistant Project Manager Mr. Wang Juming, the senior auditor of “Three Systems” from China Quality Mark Certification Group carried out a comprehensive inspection visit to the site and made the detailed and strict audit to the operation situation of project department. The audit team gave the full affirmation to the project department about the operation situation of “Three Systems” and pointed out some shortages at the same time.

Qinghai Qi Lianshan (Huangzhong) WHR project department has reached the high standard and strict requirement at the several aspects of management. They actively, layer upon layer, solidly and effectively carry out various management works. Passing the external audit successfully is the result of paying attention by company leaders and all colleagues work together. It plays an important role in improving the management level of Sinoma EC in future.

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