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Chairman ZHANG Qi Visits CEMEX Headquarters

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

September 7th-13th, 2011. Chairman Mr. ZHANG Qi and vice president Ms. LIU Chunyan of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. was invited to visit CEMEX headquarters in Monterrey, Mexico.

Mr. Luis Farías, CEMEX’s Senior Vice President for Energy and Sustainable Development, Mr. Jose Antonio Gonzalez, CEMEX’s Vice President for Finance, and Mr. Juan Romero Torres, President of CEMEX Mexico joined the meeting for discussion. Mr. Jose Antonio Gonzalez briefed CEMEX’s global merging and acquisition, debt and paying ability; Mr. Luis Farías introduced CEMEX’s energy business mode and the waste heat cogeneration potential of CEMEX’s existing cement lines worldwide. Mr. ZHANG Qi presented the introduction of Sinoma Group and underlined the development and business mode of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., he also responded the questions given by CEMEX. Both parties vowed to strengthen communication and achieve win-win cooperation.

At the same period, Mr. ZHANG Qi also led the delegation to visit the CEMEX’s cement production line in Monterrey, Mexico.

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