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Sinoma-EC and Schneider Electric Signed Agreement on Strategic Cooperation

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

On September 21st, 2011, Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. and Schneider Electric signed in Beijing a strategic partnership agreement. Sinoma-EC’s President Hu Yeming, vice president of Schneider Electric China Ye Liangxia signed the agreement on behalf of the two sides. Sinoma-EC’s Vice President Ge Liwu, Director of Marketing Department Wang Yi, Marketing Manager Liu Qiang and Zhao Wenbin as well as vice president of Schneider’s Global MMM Solutions Diego Areces, Director of Schneider International Business Development Ms. Glosa, Director of global cement solution Miss Wang Zhirong, Director of Schneider carbon emissions business Mr. Jean Pasternak also witnessed the signing of the strategic partnership agreement.

Schneider Electric was established in 1836, headquartered in France, it is an multinational company committed to global energy efficiency management, providing integrated solutions for more than 100 countries in energy and infrastructure, industry, data centers and networks, buildings and residential markets. It is a world leader in the energy and infrastructure, industrial process control, building automation and data center networks, they committed to providing customers with safe, reliable, efficient energy. Schneider in China now has 77 offices, 26 plants, 6 distribution centers, 1 learning institute, 3 global R & D centers, 1 laboratory, 500 distributors and a nationwide sales network.

The strategic partnership agreement signed between Sinoma Group and Schneider Electric officially marks their commitments to working together to develop a global scale, optimized-energy-saving solutions for all areas, by establishing strategic cooperation and coordination mechanism, and with regular exchanges to promote cooperation in relevant projects, both parties can achieve a mutually beneficial result. Both sides will use Sinoma-EC’s world leading cogeneration technology and Schneider’s global marketing platform to expand overseas waste heat power generation market, to find and share new growth points of interest. The strategic partnership has injected new impetus for Sinoma-EC to strengthen international cooperation and open up overseas markets.

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