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Sinoma-EC Successfully Passed the External Audit for Its Management System for the Year of 2011

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

From 21st to 22nd September 2011, CQM audit expert team carried out a two-day external audit (three-year renewal of the expired monitoring / re-evaluation audit) on our company’s three systems (quality, environment, and occupational health and safety management system).

During these two days, the audit team carefully and meticulously audited the company’s top management and all departments in accordance with the requirements of the three systems. After the audit, in-depth views were exchanged between the team and the management on the problems found during the inspection and on recommendations for improvement. On the last meeting held by the audit team, they announced that Sinoma-EC’s management system and its operation meet with the requirements of the three standards. The audit team gave full recognition for the operation of our three systems, and it marked that the company's management and service has reached to a new level.

Finally, President of Sinoma-EC Hu Yeming extended his gratitude to the audit team’s hard and meticulous work during the past few days and required all departments of Sinoma-EC to draw more insight from the audit team’s suggestions and carry out corrective and preventive measures in due time. From now on, he continued, all departments and all levels of staffs shall strengthen the execution of the ISO system; only by continuous in-depth development can we find power and strength for the development in other areas, so as to lay solid foundation for Sinoma-EC’s higher level of management.

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