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Sinoma Group Chairman TAN Zhongming and SEC’s HU Yeming Met with Chairman of Turkish National Constitutional Council

PublishDate:2011-10-26 Source:

On September 30th Turkey Time, accompanied by President of Sinoma-EC Hu Yeming, Chairman of Sinoma Group Tan Zhongming met in Istanbul with Chairman of Turkish National Constitutional Council Mr. Metin K?LC?

Tan Zhongming was to attend the completion ceremony of Sinoma-EC’s first WHR Project in Turkey – CNK Waste Heat Recovery Plant for Akcansa Cement Company - when he stopped by Istanbul. The two parties held talks in a cordial and pleasant atmosphere, exchanging broad and thorough views on Turkey's new energy, energy conservation technologies and development prospects of Chinese companies in Turkey and many other topics.

Tan Zhongming introduced to Chairman Metin K?LC? the three main industries of Sinoma Group, with special focus on cement technical equipment, engineering services, overseas development and cooperation with European large-scale cement groups, he said that Turkey's economy has realized rapid development for a long-term, and is now a world-attention-attracting emerging economy, Sinoma Group attached great importance to the development process in Turkey, and he was grateful for the good use of Sinoma Group’s energy saving technology in Turkey and the due role it had played. With strong support of the Turkish government, Mr. Tang hoped that Sinoma Group could continue to expand areas of cooperation in Turkey, and achieve long-term steady development, thus make contributions to the friendship between China and Turkey.

Chairman Metin K?LC? said that both China and Turkey had made remarkable achievements in the development of the economy, good bilateral relations had been maintained, and prospects of cooperation were abundant. Turkey is a country dependent on imported energy, the demand for energy conservation is very urgent, so there will be larger market potential in this respect. The Turkish government welcomes large-scale Chinese companies like Sinoma Group to expand their business in Turkey, and they will continue to support Sinoma-EC’s promotion of its WHR technology in Turkey and hopes that Sinoma Group can play its role in more areas in Turkey.

Hu Yeming introduced to Metin K?LC? Sinoma-EC's main business and the progress of its WHR projects that were under construction; he also said that Sinoma-EC would make full use of its first-class technology, equipment and services to make wide-ranging cooperation in the field of energy saving in Turkey, and to make more contributions to the cause of energy conservation for the world.

Vice President and Secretary of the Board of Sinoma Group Gu Chao, Vice President of Sinoma-EC Wei Wenhua, Vice President of Sinoma International Tong Laigou, Chief Editor of China Building Material Newspaper Meng Xianjiang, China Building deputy editor of Materials Magazine Han Cuiying also attended the meeting.

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