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Decade of Trials and Hardships Draws New Blueprint for Development

PublishDate:2017-07-18 Source:

In 2007, with the promotion of national energy-saving emission reduction development policy, by sizing up the situation, Sinoma Energy Conservation Limited was established, in order to achieve the intensive development and industrial development of the group's energy-saving and emission reduction business.

Over the past decade, Sinoma EChas made overall planning on the situation by means of the scientific development concept, firmly grasped the theme of "energy", sizing up the situation, without hesitation and dependence, sticking to the strategy of "based on the domestic market to vigorously expand the international market, based on building materials industry to vigorously expand the other industries" and has made great progress. Since 2007, our footprint has spread from north to south, and has signed more than 40 waste heat power project export contractsin Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, etc. more than a dozen countries, with the domestic and international market share always in the industry leading position, and has initially completed the international market distribution.

Adhere to the concept of innovation, on the basis ofthe general contracting services,with solid promotion of BOT/EMC investment business development, timely exploration of building energy efficiency, combustible solid waste and other related areas of energy-saving business,as of the end of 2016, a total of 20 BOOT/EMC projects signed, with the investment (plan) total of about 1.139 billion RMB Yuan, and 16 plants has been put into production, becoming the Company's stable source of profits and important support; we innovate and develop, and has undertaken a number of representative projects in coal-fired power generation, coke dry quenching, carbon, steel and other non-cement industry, has successfully signed and implemented the first biomass power plant, gas turbine waste heat power generation project, and has greatly expanded the development space of the enterprise.

Adhere to the industrialization development ideas, through mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, etc., it has completed the holding of Wuhan Building Material Design and Research Institute Co., Limited and Nantong Wanda Boiler Co., Ltd., integrated the advantages of resources, improved the industrial chains, and has achieved the industrialization development. At present, the Company has formed five business segments including general contracting of energy-saving project, energy-saving investment, new industries, energy-saving equipment, energy-saving new building materials. At the same time, the building energy-saving business mainly oriented by new energy-saving and environmental protection wall material and passive housing businesshas also made substantial progress.

In July, 2014,the Company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, successfully registered in the capital market, and achieved the strategic development goals set at the beginning of the Company. This is not only conducive to further standardize governance, enhance brand influence, moreover, build the future integration of resources and financing development platform for the Company, and is a milestone for the development of the Company .

Gold never ultimately comes to glitter to one’s eyes until the years’ grains of sand heavily covered with cleared up by perseverance of wind. Over the past decade, through the efforts and hardwork of all cadres and staff in the past ten years, Sinoma EC from a small enterprise with previous smaller assets and personnel, and single business field and model, has already grown into a listed all-round energy-saving services company with advanced technology in industry, wider range of business, rich business models, stronger market competitiveness and international brand influence. As of the end of 2016, the total assets of the Company is about 3.4 billion RMB Yuan, operation income of 1.5 billion RMB Yuan, total profit of 170 million RMB Yuan, compared with that of 2007, respectively, an increase of 15 times, 12 times and 10 times.

Today we will set off again after ten years of trials and hardships. Achievements and glory isa strong testimony that we have worked tirelessly, and the existing insufficiency and the gap with international companies will be the driving force to push us forward. In the future, we will closely focus on the theme of "energy conservation and environmental protection", adhere to the overall idea of “based on the main industry, to optimize and become stronger, with relevant and diversified and steady development”. Taking market-oriented, technology-supported, industrial development based, to meet market demand and enhance customer and corporate value as the goal, innovatethe management mechanism, strengthen the capital operation and marketization integration of resources, having created more professional development platforms in the industrial energy-saving, building energy efficiency and combustible solid waste, the comprehensive utilization of regional energy and other fields, it has indeedbuild Sinoma EC to bea energy-saving environmental protectionleading enterprise with collective management and professional development.

Recall the past in the light of the present, I am filled with emotions, both happy and proud, with more confidence and hope. Our team after 10 years of experience, staff becoming more mature, directionmore clear, technologicalroute more clear, technological progressmore emphasized, project management more standardized, teamwork and integration more in-depth, domestic and foreign customers more trust, especially the recognition and achievements obtained during expansion in the industry outside cement, having brought more spacious space for the development of the Company. It is with us such a team, a miracle of one after another in the industry created, the Company has achieved by leaps and bounds.This team is the strong cornerstone for the development of Sinoma EC.

"The way before us is much challenged but also full of chances, we need to forget the achievements we got and work hard from now on again". At present, we are facing so many challenges like the economic downturn, the complicated and changeable domestic and foreign political economy and the market environment. At the same time, we should also see that the successful reorganization of the two groups is a solid backup force for our development, the implementation of the strategy of"The Belt and Road"provides us with a greater space. We will go ahead during the construction of Xiong’An.

In the first half of this year, the production and operation of the Company is smooth and orderly, with good news again and again! The newly-signed contracts by Nantong Boiler and Wuhan Building Material Design and Research Institute rose sharply, and the Company added a new chapter in overseas investment, the subsidiary for energy efficiencyset up smoothly, Dangyang silicon calcium board put into operationsuccessfully, and the day before yesterday, the Company signed a single largest contract,indicating a good momentum of development of the Company.

Colleagues, it is the time to test its cutting edge of the sword after ten years of grinding. Let us firm our confidence to look to the future, under the guidance of the core values of CNBM "innovation, performance, harmony, responsibility", bearing in mind the enterprise tenet of "Energy Conservation, Value Creation, Emission Reduction, Human Fortune", adhere to the business philosophy of "Integrity-based, with excellent quality, and continuous innovation, win-win cooperation", to unite, do not forget our dream, with continuous self-improvement, innovation and development, and to roll all our sleeves and work harder! Let us strive to build Sinoma EC into a reliable home for all employees, and to build Sinoma EC into a world-class energy-saving services enterprise!

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