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Completion and Production of the New Building Material Production Line of Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd.

PublishDate:2017-08-28 Source:

On August 18th, The completion ceremony of the new multifunctional environmental protection wall material production line of Sinoma (Yichang)Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd. was held in Dangyang city, Hubei Province. Mr. Peng Jianxin, President of China National Materials Company Limited, attended the ceremony and announced its formal completion and putting into production of the project, Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., Ms Liu Weiling, Member of Standing Committee and Deputy Mayor of Yichang City, had made speech in the ceremony successively. Mr. Xu Zheng, GM of Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd. chaired the ceremony.

Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd. is one of the member company under China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. and subsidiary under holding of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. (stock code: 603126). The production of this project is the 1st one implemented by Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., in the new type energy-saving and environmental protection wall material industrialization, and is the key investment project of China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. in Hubei distribution. The project is located in Guandaohe Village, Yuquan Representative Office, Dangyang County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, by using the process technology of independent intellectual property rights and the management experience of Wuhan Building Material Industry Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., with the introduction of the world's leading automatic production technology and equipment, for the specialized production of high-end calcium silicate board/fiber cement substrate, multifunctional coating board, external wall insulation decorative panels, lightweight composite wall insulation board etc. Among them, calcium silicate board / fiber cement board with fire retardant, thermal insulation, anti-corrosion and anti-moth, waterproof and moisture-proof, sound insulation and sound absorbing, good weather resistance, light weight and high strength, etc. advantages, compared with the traditional sheet metal, of more energy-saving, environmental protection, anti-earthquake, shock resistance, and 100% non-asbestos, can be widely used in interior and exterior wall insulation decoration, ceiling, floor, billboards, cabin partitions, furniture partitions, wall lining, fire board, hollow floor, security door lining, and multifunctional coated board substrate, with a safe and durable, energy saving and environmental protection, low carbon and green, easy construction and other characteristics, can be used directly as the assembly parts of the building.

The project commenced the construction in August 2016 and was basically completed and put into trial production in March 2017. The project mainly uses the quartz sand tailings and other industrial waste to produce new energy-saving and environmental protection wall materials, and the annual digestion and utilization of quartz sand tailings is 9 million tons, which has good economic and social benefits. At present, the trial production products have been sold to Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Shanghai, Xinjiang and other major markets.

Mr. Peng Jianxin said that Sinoma Energy Conservation Co., Ltd. is a listed company under China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. specializing in energy-saving and environmental protection industry, and the successful implementation of the new multifunctional energy-saving and environmental protection wall material industry project will lay a good foundation for China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. to better participate in the development and construction of "The Belt and Road", the Yangtze River economic zone and the central and western regions, to provide in-depth service in Hubei and even the central and western regions. Hope that Sinoma EC and Sinoma (Yichang) will seize the opportunity to strive to play their own advantages, adhere to the positioning of "high growth type, high return type, strategic emerging industry", continuously stick to the "Further Energy Conservation", "Further Environmental Protection", to well carry out the "Great Article" of the industry, and to constantly promote self-innovation, to promote the upgrading of product structure, to promote the industry to enhance energy efficiency, and to actively participate in regional economic construction, and to further deepen the in-depth cooperation between the state-owned enterprises and local enterprises, to achieve bigger and stronger strategic objectives.

Mr. Zheng Tinggui, Party Secretary of Dangyang county expressed his congratulations to the completion and production of the new wall material industry base project of Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd., and confirmed that the local party committee and government will go all out to provide proper services for the business development, to promote a wider area and a deeper level of cooperation between the two parties, to achieve mutual benefit and win-win. He believed that the successful completion and putting into production of the project would has a demonstration significance on showing its good investment environment, and promoting the cooperation between the local and the state-owned enterprises. He hoped that in the future to have more stated-owned enterprise and reputable enterprises to invest in Dangyang.

Mr. Yao Yuanjun, Chairman of Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd., and Chairman of Wuhan Building Material Industry Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Mr. Shangguan Tao, Deputy Director of Yichang Municipal Economic & Information Committee, Mr. Li Xiaojun, Member of the Standing Committee of Dangyang Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, Mr. He Liangping, Member of the Standing Committee of Dangyang Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor etc., as well as the delegates from all over the country, more than 300 attended the completion and production ceremony.

After the completion and production ceremony, the participants collectively visited the workshop and production line of Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Material Co., Ltd.
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