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Several projects got the excellent project award of engineering construction of building materials industry

PublishDate:2019-12-30 Source:

Recently, the China National Building Materials Construction Association released the list of 2019 Annual Building Materials Industry Engineering Construction Quality Project Award and the Outstanding Project Manager Winners. The Tongchuan Yaowangshan WHPG Project, the Technological Renovation Project for Shandong Donghua WHPG, and the Nantong Wanda Photovoltaic Project, constructed by Sinoma EC, were granted the honorary title of "2019 Building Materials Industry Construction Engineering Quality Award", and Mr. He Dahai, Mr. Liu Yongbin, as well as Mr. Wang Hao, of Sinoma EC, were awarded the honorary title of "2019 Annual Excellent Building Materials Industry Construction Project Managers".

These honors are the full affirmation of the company's long-term commitment to energy conservation and environmental protection industry, the full recognition of the company's project management, construction safety, quality control and other aspects, and the company's long-term commitment to technological progress and scientific and technological work. Sinoma EC will continue to adhere to the deep cultivation of industrial energy conservation and environmental protection industry, practice the "three refinement management" concept, create more quality projects, for the sustainable development of building materials engineering to make more and greater contributions.

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