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Two WHR projects in Vietnam awarded PAC certificates and the ribbon-cutting ceremony held

PublishDate:2019-12-19 Source:

Recently, the VCM and SG WHR projects of Siam Cement Group in Vietnam, which were contracted by Sinoma EC, has passed the performance test and obtained the PAC certificate issued by the owner and the ribbon-cutting ceremony was held. Mr. Hu Yeming, President of Sinoma EC, attended the ceremony.

Mr. Noppasak Jitsakulchaidej, CFO of SCG Vietnam subsidiary welcomed Mr. Hu Yeming and his team to attend the ceremony, and firstly gave full recognition and high affirmation on the work of the two projects carried out by Sinoma EC, and sincerely appreciated and thanked for the efforts of the project team for accomplishing the two WHPG projects on schedule and with qualified power generation, and hoped the two sides could continue the cooperation in the future.

Mr. Hu Yeming was invited to address the ceremony. He thanked the Vietnam subsidiary of SCG for the invitation and the owner for its strong support to the project team. He said that Sinoma EC and SCG has been partners for more than ten years. Both sides are old friends and good friends of each other. The success of VCM and SG projects in Vietnam cannot be separated from the efforts and hard work of both project teams. Sinoma EC practices social responsibility and implements the "go-global" strategy. Guided by the "One Belt and One Road" initiative, the company will continue to implement the development concept of "Innovation, Coordination, Green, Openness and Sharing". We hope to have more cooperation opportunities with SCG.

During the ceremony, Mr. Hu and Mr. Noppasak Jitsakulchaidej signed and exchanged PAC certificates and jointly cut the ribbon for the projects. After the ceremony, Mr. Hu, accompanied by Mr. Noppasak Jitsakulchaidej, Mr. Chamun Chaliewkreangkrai, GM of VCM, Mr. Varongsit Marrat, GM of SG, and Mr. Jiang Xiangdong, project manager of Sinoma EC, respectively visited the VCM and SG WHR plants.

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