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Moyu Yaobai WHR Project Smoothly Kicked off

PublishDate:2019-10-05 Source:

On September 30, the Moyu Yaobai WHR project undertaken by Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. kicked off smoothly. Mr. Wang Changping, Deputy General Manager of Moyu Yaobai Cement Co., Ltd., Mr. Zhang Zhaoyi, Project Manager of Sinoma (Suzhou) Construction Co., Ltd., Mr. Wei Laijun, Project Manager of Moyu Yaobai WHPG Project Department of Sinoma EC, and the project leader of the construction company, together participated in the project groundbreaking ceremony.

This project is the construction of a pure low temperature waste heat power station with an installed capacity of 7.5MW for Moyu Yaobai Cement Co., Ltd. by Sinoma EC. The project is located in the Beijing Industrial Park, Moyu County, Hetian District, Xinjiang Province. It borders the Kunlun Mountains and the Tibet Autonomous Region in the south, and connects the Taklimakan Desert to Aksu in the north. It is of dry and little rain, strong sunshine, rapid changes in cold and heat, and a dry desert climate with mostly wind and sand.

Since the entry of the project department, all staff have overcome the difficulties with a high sense of mission and responsibility, carefully prepared the preparations before the start of the project, and actively communicated and coordinated with Moyu Yaobai and Sinoma Suzhou to make all the work progress rapidly and has been well received by all parties. In the future, Sinoma EC will implement the project strictly in accordance with the requirements of the contract. Under the premise of ensuring the quality of the project, it will achieve early power generation and early benefits, and make its own contribution to the energy conservation and consumption reduction of Yaobai Group.

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