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Sinoma EC’s Overseas Project Won "Outstanding Social Responsibility" Award

PublishDate:2019-12-03 Source:

Today, under the guidance of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the 7th Chinese Enterprises Overseas Image Summit Forum hosted by China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration was held in Beijing. The forum unveiled the "2019 Excellent Cases of Chinese Enterprises Overseas Image Construction". Mr. Weng Jieming, Deputy Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Mr. Li Zhaoqian, Deputy Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Mr. Du Zhanyuan, Director of the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration, presented awards to the winners.

The event collected a total of 145 valid cases submitted by central enterprises, local state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Finally, 10 outstanding cases, 10 outstanding social responsibility cases, 6 overseas communication innovation cases, and 6 cross-cultural integration cases were identified.

The Case of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.
Named "Going into the happy desert" being ranked to the glorious list
Won the "Outstanding Social Responsibility" Award

Mr. Li Zhiwei, General Manager of the International Cooperation Department of China National Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., and Mr. Wang Yi, Assistant General Manager of Sinoma EC, attended the award ceremony and other related activities of the forum.

"Good honing gives a sharp edge to a sword Bitter cold adds keen fragrance to plum blossom." Sinoma EC pioneered and innovated in the WHR industry, explored an entrepreneurial road suitable for the company's engineering development, and created one after another impressive results. Successfully built a flagship of the cement WHR industry, which has won the unanimous recognition and favor of partners from all over the world, showing the world a good image of the Chinese companies being responsible, pragmatic, tenacious and hard work.

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