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Sinoma EC won the Excellent Performance Unit Award of China Building Materials Emerging Industry Investment and Financing Promotion Platform

PublishDate:2019-12-01 Source:

Recently, the fifth anniversary ceremony of China Building Materials Emerging Industry Investment and Financing Promotion Platform was held in Huangshi City, Hubei Province. Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., (hereinafter referred as “Sinoma EC”) won the “Excellent Performance Unit” Award, and Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma EC won the "Fifth Anniversary Outstanding Contributor" Award.

The main business of Sinoma EC's new wall material platform is new green wall materials such as high-end calcium silicate board. Adhere to the "Good Faith, Excellent quality, Continuous innovation, and Win-win cooperation" business philosophy, strengthen research and development innovation, highlight quality and efficiency, create excellent performance, make the company a platform for investors, society and employees to share, and be committed to becoming new materials, new technologies, new products developers and service providers with global influence in the field.

Mr. Zhang Qi pointed out that Sinoma Energy Conservation (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sinoma EC, as a new wall material platform of Sinoma EC, should give full play to the advantages of a listed company in energy conservation and emission reduction of central enterprise. Guided by the group's "Six Ones" internationalization goals, strive to promote the transformation of the industry to high-end, intelligent, green, and internationalization, and dedicate to lead the reform of China's new wall material industry, promote the development of a green and low-carbon cycle and strive to become a world-class new wall material company with international competitiveness.

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