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Mr. Chang Zhangli, DGM of CNBM, visited Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Materials Co., Ltd.

PublishDate:2019-10-25 Source:

On the morning of October 21, in order to understand the development of Sinoma EC's energy-saving calcium silicate board industry, Mr. Chang Zhangli, Deputy General Manager of China National Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., and his entourage went to Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Materials Co., Ltd., which is a subsidiary of Sinoma EC, to conduct research and guidance. Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma EC, Mr. Huang Jianfeng, Vice President and Secretary of the Board, accompanied the investigation.

Mr. Chang Zhangli and his entourage went deep into the calcium silicate board production workshop, painted board production workshop, and product exhibition hall to learn more about the performance characteristics of calcium silicate board, the equipment level of the production line, core technology, product energy consumption, and market share. He also heard the special report of Mr. Zhou Shaozong, GM of Sinoma Energy Conservation (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., on the development of Sinoma EC’s energy-saving calcium silicate board industry.

Mr. Chang Zhangli fully affirmed the achievements of Sinoma EC's energy-saving calcium silicate board industry in the early stage of development. He pointed out that Sinoma EC's energy-saving calcium silicate board industry developed from nothing, but after two years of continuous exploration and innovation, it has begun to achieve good economic benefits this year, which is a good start for the industrial development. He requested the company to carefully study Chairman Song Zhiping's business management thinking, pay close attention to market demand, make full use of the market channels of the group's affiliates, and strengthen market development; continue to increase technological innovation and mechanism innovation; and solidly promote the "Three Fining Management" and further improve the standardization, intelligentization and scientific management of factories; firmly establish the concept of safe production and green development; combine the second batch of the group's theme education work of “Do not forget the original heart and remember the mission”, and combine theme education with production and operation. Finding problems, solving problems and forming a joint force to making the theme education more practical.

Mr. Zhang Qi said that Sinoma EC will resolutely implement the group's strategic principles, firm the direction of industrial development, and strive to make the calcium silicate board industry bigger and stronger in order to contribute to the development of the group.

Mr. Si Yanjie and Mr. Zhang Xiaobo, Assistant GM of the group's Investment Development Department, Mr. Feng Mingyu, Director of Party Group and Human Resources of Sinoma EC, Ms Cheng Lixia, Deputy Director of Securities Investment, Mr. Yao Yuanjun, Chairman of Wuhan Building Materials Industry Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., and relevant leaders of Sinoma Energy Conservation (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and Sinoma (Yichang) Energy Conservation New Materials Co., Ltd. participated in the survey and discussion.

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