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Heatstroke emergency drill at APO project construction site, in the Philippines

PublishDate:2019-07-11 Source:

Recently, in order to fully popularize the common knowledge of heat stroke prevention and master the heat stroke first aid plan, Sinoma EC’s Philippine APO Project Department has carefully organized a total of 95 people including the project department and the construction unit to carry out a construction site heatstroke emergency drill.

High temperature heatstroke is a common accident during the construction of high temperature weather, and it is also one of the biggest risks of Sinoma EC's projects in tropical countries. In terms of the degree of heatstroke injury, it is of utmost importance to be able to give the first aid to the heatstroke in a timely, rapid and correct manner at the first scene. The key is whether it is possible to minimize accidental injuries and personal injuries.

Sinoma EC's Philippine APO Project under construction is in a hot climate area, with extremely high daytime temperatures throughout the year, especially from June to August, when the temperature is as high as 45°C. During this period, the risk of heatstroke increases.

The APO project department organized the drill carefully, and specifically set up an accident handling team, a medical rescue team and an on-site support team. The emergency drill simulated a construction worker's heatstroke and rescue process. From 16:30, the construction staff fell to the ground after the heatstroke, the team leader and the safety officer immediately coordinated the surrounding construction staff to lift the heatstroke from the shady rest place and wait for rescue. At the same time, the project manager and the construction manager were immediately contacted. The safety officer timely called the ERT of the ambulance rescue team in the factory. At 16:32, the managers of all parties arrived at the scene of the first accident with the medicine box of the project department and notified the medical rescue staff at the same time. At 16:35, medical ambulance personnel provided preliminary first aid items, including cold towels, ice cubes, cool oil, salt water, etc. to assist the heatstroke victims, and other people at the scene assisted the rescue. At 16:45, the heatstroke personnel slowly wake up, given a moderate amount of cool saline, and take appropriate medicine. At 16:48, APO ERT arrived at the scene and found him of little mild heatstroke, having no necessity to be transferred to the hospital. At 16:50, the drill ended, and the medical rescue team and ERT members explained to the participants how to prevent heatstroke and how to provide first aid after the heatstroke, emphasized the significance of the exercise and pointed out the shortcomings.

APO cement plant's safety and environmental health department and medical rescue team fully cooperated, so that the heatstroke emergency drill was successfully and efficiently completed at the construction site, laying a foundation for safe and civilized construction. The long-term professional, rigorous and comprehensive safety management of the project department has also been strongly recognized and affirmed by the APO cement plant.

Through this exercise, all construction staff and managers of the project department were more aware of the danger and high incidence of heatstroke, understood the signs before heatstroke, adjusted their rest in a timely manner, and clarified the procedures for the heatstroke emergency plan, and ensure to rescue in an orderly manner when responding to sudden heatstroke . It is necessary to ensure that the casualties caused by such accidents are zero, in order to ensure the smoothness of the project, and to highlight the safety culture of Sinoma EC that is people-oriented and safety first.

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