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Sinoma EC held the basic design confirmation meeting of ICI SODA ASH boiler island in Pakistan

PublishDate:2019-06-28 Source:

Recently, Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. and Pakistan ICI Group Corporation held a basic design confirmation meeting in Tianjin on the newly awarded Soda Ash boiler island EP project.

The basic design confirmation of the project will last for 4 days. The designers from both sides exchanged in-depth opinions and suggestions on the layout drawings, instrumentation & electrical, and equipment parameters. Designers of Sinoma EC fully understood and respected the ideas of the owners of the ICI Group, which received high recognition. The basic design confirmation provided valuable advice for the subsequent detailed design and equipment selection, and laid the foundation for the smooth implementation of the project.

Mr. Hasaan Iqbal, project leader of ICI Group's Soda Ash Project, Mr. Uzair Ahmed, Project Manager of boiler island, Mr. Anees, Design Manager, and various professional engineers; Mr. Sun Zhenchuan, Director of the market management department of Sinoma EC’s New Industry Division; Mr. Wang Lin, Deputy Director of the project management department; Mr. Li Xiang, Design Manager and various professional engineers attended the meeting.

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