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Mr. Hu Yeming to Vietnam for inspection and guidance of VCM and SG project

PublishDate:2019-06-05 Source:

Recently, Mr. Hu Yeming, President of Sinoma EC, went to Vietnam's VCM and SG projects to conduct on-site inspections and guidance work, and gave condolences to the on-site staff of the project department.

At the SG project site, Mr. Hu Yeming held friendly talks with representatives of the owners of the VCM and SG projects. At the meeting, the owner welcomed and thanked Mr. Hu Yeming for his coming, and Mr. Hu Yeming listened to the other party's opinions, suggestions and comments on the work at the scene. The owners of both projects are very satisfied with the implementation of the existing project, and give affirmation from three aspects, the safety aspect can achieve zero accidents, and the progress aspect can ensure that the important node work is completed before the contractual time, and as for the quality aspect, the performance test can reach the contract target. He expressed the sincere thanks to the owners for their cooperation and support during construction.

Subsequently, Mr. Hu Yeming, accompanied by project site personnel, inspected and guided the VCM and SG projects and gave condolences to the site staff. After listening to the project department's report on the work conditions at the two sites, Mr. Hu Yeming first affirmed the work of all personnel in the project department, and conducted study and discussions with current professional engineers on the existing problems. Mr. Hu Yeming pointed out that the company attaches great importance to both the VCM and SG projects in Vietnam. These two projects are the "Four Good" projects, that is, good safety, good quality, good schedule, and good cost. This cannot be separated from every member’s the serious and responsible and steady hard work of the project team. In the final stage of the project, He hoped that the project department could also achieve "four good", that is, the end of the project is good, the transfer is good, the summary is good, and the feedback is good.

Mr. Wang Pin, Deputy General Manager of the WHR Business Unit, and Mr. Jiang Xiangdong, Project Manager of the Vietnam project department, accompanied.

Mr. Hu Yeming held talks with owners of VCM

Mr. Hu Yeming Held talks with owners of SG

Mr. Hu Yeming listened to the report on site work

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