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Sinoma EC organized symposium for winners of “National May Day Labor Medal” and representative of “Tianjin Worker Pioneer”

PublishDate:2019-04-29 Source:

On April 28, on the occasion of the May 1st International Labor Day, Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., Mr. Hu Yeming, President, and Mr. Yang Deguang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Chairman of the Labor Union, had a discussion at the company's headquarters with Mr. Zeng Guocang, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal, came to Tianjin to participate in the May 1st celebration in Tianjin, and Mr. Liu Xiao, the representative of Tianjin Worker Pioneer.

Mr. Zhang Qi, on behalf of the company's party and management team, congratulated the honored collectives and individuals and expressed their sincere gratitude for their hard work and outstanding contributions. He pointed out that the achievements the company has made in recent years are the result of these advanced collectives working together and continuing to develop, the hard work and dedication of these outstanding employees, and the concentrated reflection of the company's "three fining" management results. The development of the company needs such outstanding collectives and individuals who have the courage to pioneer, and the craftsmanship. He hoped that the commendable individuals and individuals could sum up their experience and make persistent efforts to drive more employees to make continuous progress. He called on all employees of the company to learn from advanced collectives and individuals, and vigorously promoted the spirit of loyalty, the spirit of knowledge-based learning, the spirit of craftsmanship, the spirit of unremitting exploration, and the spirit of dedication, to advance the "three fining" management to a deeper level, to contribute wisdom and strength to building the company into a world-class energy-saving service company.

Mr. Hu Yeming encouraged the commendable collectives and individuals at the symposium to cherish the honors, to continue to play an exemplary role, to innovate the performance of the company's development, and to make new contributions.

Mr. Zeng Guocang is the head of the manual welding team of the container manufacturing department of Nantong Wanda Boiler Co., Ltd., a base for manufacturing the energy-saving equipment of Sinoma EC. He worked hard and kept making progress. He not only integrated a variety of operational skills, but also became a master of the industry. He has made outstanding contributions to the company's technological innovation, major project difficulties, key process applications, and research and development. On April 23, 2019, the National May Day Labor Medal was awarded by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. At the symposium, he talked about his award-winning feelings in combination with his growth experience. He said that being commended was definitely a spur to him. The honor belonged not only to himself, but also to the training of the organization and the joint efforts of the team. The rapid development of Sinoma EC has provided a large stage for employees to show their talents and realize value. As an individual of Sinoma EC, he felt the glorious mission and great responsibility.

The YCC WHR project in Saudi Arabia is by far the world's largest single waste heat power station project. The project department has overcome various practical difficulties such as visa application, high temperature and heat, tight schedules, complex systems, and difficult construction, and has successfully completed various tasks. As one of the representative projects of the country's "One Belt and One Road" international cooperation, it has appeared in the large-scale achievement exhibition of "Five Years of Forging Ahead". In 2019, it was awarded the honorary title of "Tianjin Worker Pioneer" in 2018 by the Tianjin Municipal Trade Union. At the symposium, Mr. Liu Xiao, as the project manager of YCC project department, introduced the project construction and recent maintenance work. He thanked the company leaders and various departments for their strong support for the project department. All staff of the project department will cherish the honor and make new contributions.

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