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Mr. Zhang Qi to the Philippines for project inspection and guidance

PublishDate:2019-03-27 Source:

Recently, Mr. Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma EC, went to the Philippines for project inspection and visited Mr. Ignacio, President of CEMEX Group, to extend condolences to its front-line subsidiaries, project department employees and on-site construction staff.

On March 19th, Mr. Zhang Qi visited Mr. Ignacio, and then the two sides had exchanges and talks. Mr. Zhang Qi thanked CEMEX for the trust and help, and hoped that the two parties would strengthen cooperation in more projects and achieve win-win development. Mr. Ignacio spoke highly of the two projects that Sinoma EC has cooperated with CEMEX Group, and he hopes to further expand the areas of cooperation between the two parties.

At the SOLID subsidiary in the Philippines, Mr. Zhang Qi went deep into the site of the power station to understand the production and operation situation, asked the front line employees about their living and working conditions, and listened to the report from Mr. Miao Yumin, the power station manager. He pointed out that it was necessary to strictly abide by the safety production system, to do a good job of emergency plans for various accidents, to strengthen the safety management and control of the scene, to strengthen the implementation of rectification of hidden dangers, to ensure that management personnel at all levels, to have safety management responsibilities and safety controls in place, and to lay the foundation for the safety management of the site.

On March 20th, Mr. Zhang Qi went to the second power station subsidiary of Sinoma EC in APO, to inspect the construction quality and progress of each construction area, and kindly asked the living conditions of the staff from the project department and the construction site. After listening to the work report by Mr. Zhang Fei, the project manager, Mr. Zhang Qi pointed out that on-site management staff must first put safety work first and strictly control construction quality and construction progress; the second is to strengthen communication and to do a good job of construction and operation; the third is to conscientiously implement the Group's "Three Fining" management, carry out management training of foreign employees and the promotion of the company's corporate culture, so that employees' ideas are integrated with the corporate culture as soon as possible; the fourth is that project site personnel must conscientiously implement the "One post with double duty", and do a good job of studying and building the party.

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