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Sinoma EC's UCC project held a basic design confirmation meeting

PublishDate:2019-03-21 Source:

A few days ago, the WHR project of Union Cement Company in UAE (hereinafter referred to as the "UCC project"), which was contracted by Sinoma EC, held a basic design confirmation meeting in Tianjin.

UCC was acquired by the Indian AHREE Cement Group in early 2018. The new owners have many requirements and strict standards in design and other tasks. In order to meet the requirements of the owner, the design staff carefully studied, optimized the design on the premise of ensuring compliance with the design specifications and design safety, patiently communicated, explained the relevant calculations to the owner, and proved the reliability and optimality of our solution, and eventually reached an agreement with the owner, the basic design drawings were affirmed by the owner, approved, and staged victory was completed!

The construction period of UCC project is only 14 months, and the design progress directly affects whether the project can be advanced on schedule. In order to ensure the project's construction period and to pass the basic design confirmation meeting smoothly and in the shortest time, the design department has completed the basic design and the ordering information of the three main machines before the Spring Festival, being fully prepared for confirmation. At the confirmation meeting, Sinoma EC's designers were patient and meticulous, and strived for excellence. They repeatedly clarified and modified the design of the turbine generator room and the SP boiler based on the comments made by the owner. Four wind extraction schemes were made for the AQC boiler. The schemes are drawn in three-dimensional drawing, and the corresponding engineering quantities are calculated in detail. In order to meet the approval requirements of local civil defense, all drawings were designed in accordance with American Standards, eliminating the need to convert drawings, speeding up the progress of project construction and saving project costs.
Mr. Yang Zhen, Deputy Director of Design Department, Mr. Zhang Guoping, Design Manager, led the design team, and Mr. Hou Yueguang, Project Manager from WHR BU, and Mr. Yu Lei, Deputy Manager of the project. They worked hard to work overtime for 10 consecutive days and successfully completed the basic design confirmation, which laid a good foundation for the follow-up work of the project. Sinoma EC's efforts have been recognized by the owners. They praised Sinoma EC's efficient work and high quality and it is rest assured to hand over the project to such a team.

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