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Sinoma EC's Vietnam VCM and SG projects connected to grid and generated power on the same day

PublishDate:2019-03-12 Source:

On March 4, 2019, the VCM Cement Plant and SG Cement Plant's low-temperature WHR project of Thailand SCG, Vietnam, which was contracted by Sinoma EC, were successfully connected to the grid for power generation on the same day, which marked that the project officially entered the performance test stage.

The VCM and SG projects are the sixth and seventh projects of Sinoma EC and SCG, Thailand, respectively. The owners of both projects are under the holding of SCG, Thailand. The project is located in central Vietnam. The climate is humid and hot. In addition, the Thai owners have strict technical and safety requirements, which made the construction of the project difficult. Sinoma EC had organized a professional technical and management team to strengthen project management, formulated detailed network plans from various links such as design, procurement, construction and commissioning, and implemented them step by step according to the nodes. The project department always put safety management first, and construction work was allowed only after each work site had ensured that safety protection measures had been taken. In addition, the project construction site has always been tracked by professional engineers and designers to solve and optimize construction difficulties and problems in a timely manner, which provided a strong guarantee for controlling project progress and quality. Especially in the later stage of the project, when the owner was prevented from going through the grid connection procedures, the project department was anxious for the owner and wanted to actively coordinate and provide all kinds of documents required for the grid connection, and actively communicated closely with the Vietnam Electric Power Bureau. Thanks to the joint efforts of everyone, the project was finally completed and connected to the grid for power generation before the contract period, and won unanimous praise from the owners.

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