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Ma Yunhong, Party Secretary of Beicang Town and His Entourage to Sinoma-EC forInvestigation and Communication

PublishDate:2021-08-17 Source:

On the afternoon of August 17, Ma Yunhong, Party Secretary of Beicang Town, and his entourage paid a special trip to Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. (hereinafter called “Sinoma-EC” or “the company”) for investigation. Both sides reviewed the development history of Sinoma-EC in a warm and friendly atmosphere, and conducted an extensive discussion on the future interaction and support between the company and local government.



  Secretary Ma Yunhong thanked Sinoma-EC for its warm reception and fully affirmed the achievements made by Sinoma-EC. He said that Sinoma-EC, as a key central state-owned enterprise in Beichen District, has played an important role in promoting the economic development of Beichen District or even Tianjin. He hoped to strengthen the communication and cooperation between Sinoma-EC and local government in the field like the introduction of high-level talents, scientific & technological development and award application in the future for constantly creating a new situation in the economic construction of Beicang town.



  Ma Mingliang, Party Secretary, Chairman and President of Sinoma-EC, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Secretary Ma Yunhong for leading the team to visit Sinoma-EC only one month after he was in office, and thanked Beicang Town for its long-term strong support for the development and construction of the company. Later, he briefly introduced the basic situation, performance award, main responsibility & business of Sinoma-EC and the “14th Five-Year” development plan before putting his stress on the company’s development and achievements in energy conservation and environmental protection engineering, clean energy engineering, building energy-saving material industry, new equipment manufacturing business, etc. He stated that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, Sinoma-EC took scientific research and innovation as the guide, made use of the platform advantages of listed companies, continued its high-quality development and helped regional social and economic development. It is hoped that Beicang Town will support and help Sinoma-EC as in the past and the communication and contact between the two sides can be further strengthened for expanding cooperation fields, taping business convergence points, and jointly contributing to local economic and social development!



  Conference Attendees:

1.       Yu Miao  Mayor of Beicang Town

2.       Zhu Shikuo  Vice Mayor of Beicang Town

3.       Ji Chunhua  Director of Economic Office of Beicang Town

4.       Liu Xide  Deputy Party Secretary & Deputy Chairman of Sinoma-EC

5.       Jiang Xiaona  Director of Comprehensive Management Department of Sinoma-EC

6.       Liu Yingqiang  Director of Asset & Finance Department of Sinoma-EC

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