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Sinoma-EC sincerely embraces all intelligent people to create new brilliance of Sinoma-EC together

PublishDate:2021-09-06 Source:能源環(huán)保分公司

  On September 6th, the project of 1*30MWcoal-fired power station plus 1*10MW waste heat captive power station of DG Khan Hub in Pakistan contracted by Sinoma-EC Energy Resources & Environmental Protection Branch has succeeded in realizing grid-connected generation at one time in its coal-fired unit. At this point, all coal-fired and waste heat power generation units of the project have been successfully connected to the grid for power generation!



  In June 2019, Sinoma-EC and DG Khan Cement Group in Pakistan signed a 30MW captive power station project of Karachi Hub cement production line, whose 30MW coal-fired power station adopts single reheat thermodynamic system with high temperature and ultra-high pressure for the first time at home and abroad. The application of this system will greatly improve the overall thermal efficiency of the power station and reduce coal consumption and production cost. Compared with the regular high temperature & high pressure system, it is estimated that adopting this system will reduce the consumption of standard coal by about 10400 tons in the whole year as well as the emission of CO2 by 23700 tons, and increase the cement output by about 18100 tons in the whole year. There is no doubt that the emission data are far lower than the relevant local emission standards in Pakistan.


  Over the past 19 months, Duan Baoshan, Project Manager, and his team have overcome the dual pressure brought by the local epidemic and the severe security situation with a high sense of responsibility and mission. All the staff gave up their rest time to undertake multiple tasks. At the critical period, everyone sacrificed his own interests sticking to his own post. As a result, the promotion of the project with high standards and efficiency has been ensured, which represented the unshakable sense of responsibility of Sinoma-ECer.


  The successful power generation of the project has achieved a high unity between development & environmental protection, as well as economic benefits & social benefits, greatly improved the local power shortage, guaranteed the power demand from enterprise production and local people’s life, and contributed Sinoma-EC’s force to promoting the process of global carbon neutrality and coping with the climate crisis!


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