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Sinoma Energy Conservation Held 2024 Marketing Work Conference and Internationalization Work Conference

PublishDate:2024-01-22 Source:

  2024-01-22 Tianjin


On January 19, Sinoma-EC held the 2024 Marketing Work Conference and Internationalization Work Conference in Jin. At the meeting, Meng Qinglin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Sinoma Energy Conservation, made an important speech titled 'Concentrate, Gather Strength, Pioneer and Strive to Create a New Situation of High-Quality Development of the Company', Liu Xin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President, made a speech titled 'Focus on Strategy, Make Plans to Achieve the Target of the Company's '14th Five-Year Plan' Strategic Planning,' and Party Committee Member, Vice President, Secretary of the Board of Directors Huang Jianfeng made a 'summarize the experience and seek to enhance the problems to find breakthroughs to promote the steady development of marketing work at all costs,' the work report and chaired the meeting.




  Meng Qinglin pointed out in his speech that Sinoma Energy Conservation's marketing achievements in FY2023 were encouraging, which were mainly reflected in the following three points: firstly, the advantageous industries remained stable and continued to play the role of ballast; secondly, the clean energy business made great progress, which laid a good foundation for the company's next step to realize the strategic goals in the clean energy industry; thirdly, the internationalization development achievements were better than expected, and the international markets were opened up with fruitful results. Thirdly, the internationalization development was better than expected, and the international market development achieved fruitful results. For the marketing work in 2024, he put forward two expectations: first, we should fully understand the importance of marketing work, put marketing work in the service of the company's strategic development to carry out the height of the company's efforts to further cohesion and unity of purpose, and constantly improve economic efficiency, and better return to the shareholders and the majority of investors of the keen attention; second, we should fully understand the direction of marketing efforts, further pioneering and enterprising, to find a new direction of marketing development, and set up a new direction of marketing development, to establish a new marketing strategy. Secondly, we should fully recognize the direction of marketing efforts, further explore and forge ahead, identify the new development direction of marketing, establish the new development concept of marketing, better coordinate the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity, and pay more attention to long-term capacity building.



  Liu Xin made a detailed and pertinent review of the business of the company's various sectors, and put forward three requirements on the current marketing work: First, fully understand the external market environment facing the company, to forge ahead and rise in ambition, find the focus of marketing work, and continue to promote the company's high-quality development; second, carefully study the company's future strategic development direction, to make long-term efforts to the perseverance of the anchor marketing work of the launching pad. The second is to carefully study the company's future strategic development direction, and anchor the marketing work with persistence. To develop a reasonable target precision force, plowing key markets full force, the leadership personally take the lead in front of the force; Third, effectively play the role of marketing leading role, with the determination to work hard, to attack the difficulties of the marketing work. To focus on marketing details, strengthen the basic control; Compact performance quality, to create a market reputation; Strengthen the investment operation, to realize the capital boost; Focus on brand building, to establish the company's image; Build a firm ideological line of defense, strictly abide by the marketing discipline.



  In the report, Huang Jianfeng summarized Sinoma-EC's marketing achievements in 2023: first, the rapid development of clean energy business and new breakthroughs in new business areas; second, the engineering and equipment business remained stable, and the high-end equipment manufacturing continued to expand; third, the sales volume of calcium silicate panels increased steadily, and the application scenarios and functions were gradually enriched; and fourth, the efforts to expand new business were stepped up, and the market development showed initial results. Based on the shortcomings of the current marketing work, Huang Jianfeng put forward the marketing ideas for 2024: First, improve the marketing strategic planning, market development with a target; second, carry out solid industry research, consolidate the advantageous business position; third, accurate positioning and innovation, expanding the clean energy business; fourth, oriented to the needs of the customer, shaping the strong associated partnerships; fifth, strengthen the internal sharing of resources, and seek synergistic and mutual development; sixth, strengthen internal resource sharing, and seek synergistic and mutual development; sixth, strengthen internal resource sharing, and seek synergistic and mutual development; sixth, strengthen internal resource sharing. Seek synergistic and mutual development; Firmly go out and accelerate the development of international market; Explore the innovation of business model and accelerate the function of value creation; Improve the project evaluation model and enhance the efficiency of project research and judgment; Strengthen the construction of marketing team and improve the market incentive mechanism.


  At the meeting, Zuo Dayong, director of marketing department and general manager of the investment company, conveyed the document spirit of Ten-Year Action Plan for Internationalization and Development of China National Building Material Group, and sorted out the current situation and planning of Sinoma-EC's internationalization work.



  Five companies made presentations on their marketing efforts.



  After the meeting, the participants carried out a discussion on 'synergy' around the theme of 'mutual understanding and trust, collaboration and progress', and fully exchanged their experiences in marketing and how to carry out synergy work in overseas markets.



  The main person in charge of Sinoma-EC's molecular companies and the team members in charge of market work; the department heads of the company's Central Research Institute, Corporate Management Department, Investment and Development Department, Assets and Finance Department, Party Committee and Organization Department (Human Resources Department), and Board of Directors' Office (Legal Compliance Department); and the persons in charge of the market departments of the enterprises and the marketing staffs of the enterprises, nearly 100 people attended the meeting on-site or by video.

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